Spring is here and it's time for a new recipe. This one comes to us courtesy of the Costco Connection, but of course we've made one slight improvement - Lucille's Gourmet Barrel-Aged Honey in the ingredients list. Try them out and let us know what you think.
18 whole Mandarins
1 bunch Fresh Cilantro
1 tsp Crushed Red Pepper Flakes
3 large slices of Ginger with the skin on
2 Bay Leaves
1 tsp Coriander Seeds
10 Green Cardamom pods
1 tsp Black Peppercorns
1/2 tsp Fennel Seeds
1 Tspn Salt
2 oz Lucille's Gourmet Barrel-Aged Honey
3 quarts Water
Toast all dry ingredients in a stainless steel pot on medium head for 5 minutes or until you start to smell them heating up. Add Water and Lucille's Honey and bring to a boil.
Turn off the heat and let the mixture steep for 45 minutes.

Zest 4 of the Mandarins using a Microplaner and then peel them all.
Finely chop the fresh cilantro.

Place the peeled Mandarins in a gallon sized glass jar. Add chopped Cilantro and Mandarin zest. Pour steeped liquid over Mandarins, cover and refrigerate for 2 days to allow the flavors to marry.

Stay tuned and we'll give you some ideas on how to use these Pickled Mandarins.